Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions of this site are the rules that have to be followed on the site. By being on this site you have agreed to obey them at all times. If you are under 18 please make sure that your Parent or Guardian has read and accepted them before you play the site. Failure to follow the rules at ANY time will result in Account Penalties or permanent loss of your account.
Rules about number of Accounts
You are only allowed ONE account per player. If your logs show you were using more than one account these will be deleted by staff. You MAY be left with one account to play on, but don't expect it to be your main account. If you are left with one account it will be the account that has the least value.
However players cannot use family/friends accounts to gain items and points where the account is no longer used by the account owner. Such accounts will be treated as multiple accounts.
Rules about Accounts
Players are not allowed to share accounts. For your account security, never share your password with anyone and do not make it something easy to guess.
You may not log into or use any other player's account for any reason. Anyone found logging into or using any other account WITH or WITHOUT the account owner's permission will result in the accounts in question being frozen immediately without warning.
Selling or trading accounts for points or items (or real money) is NOT allowed, you may also not give your account away if you are leaving. The account being sold or given away will be banned permanently.
You cannot create an account on behalf of another person. Everyone creating an account needs to read and accept the Terms and Conditions. You cannot do that for them. If you create an account for another person it will be deemed to be a multiple account of yours and your own account will be deleted. You will be left with the new account to play on.
Stealing accounts by hacking or scamming is forbidden. The account will be returned to the rightful owner and your own account will be deleted.
Rules about Usernames
Offensive or inappropriate usernames will be deleted by staff without warning. Names are considered to be inappropriate if they have any racist, alcoholic, illegal drug or illicit substance, sexual references, or anything else that is deemed inappropriate by staff. If you used a Username Certificate it will only be refunded to you for a first time offence. After that you should have learned that inappropriate names are not allowed. It is not considered cool or funny to have an inappropriate username. Common sense plays a large part in picking a name for your account. We assume if a player is old enough to be on forums then they are also old enough to know if a name may be inappropriate. If you need to ask if a name is going to be allowed, that should probably tell you that it is not.
Rules about pets
Pets with offensive or inappropriate names may be either deleted or have their name changed by staff without warning. Names are considered to be inappropriate if they have any racist, alcoholic, illegal drug or illicit substance, sexual references, or anything else that is deemed inappropriate by staff. If you want your pet back you will need to send a Support Ticket and provide a naming certificate, a staff member will then change the pet's name and return it to you. Common sense plays a large part in picking a name for your pet. We assume if a player is old enough to be on forums then they are also old enough to know if a name may be inappropriate. If you need to ask if a name is going to be allowed, that should probably tell you that it is not.
Any pets that are placed in the pound or die and go to the graveyard are available for anyone to adopt. Once you place a pet in the pound (even by accident) you immediately lose all rights of ownership to that pet. As soon as a pet is in the possession of another player it belongs to them.
You may not have your own paid advertisements.
Linking to sites outside royalpets.com IS permitted providing the site linked to is appropriate (see Forum rules section for a list of inappropriate types of site). If you are unsure whether you are allowed to link to a specific site then please send a Support Ticket to ask.
Rules about Referrals
Referrals are to be gained from inviting other people to the site only. You may not cheat them by creating multiple accounts yourself.
You may not gain referrals by 'referral scamming'. For example, telling people that signing up to royalpets will get them money or currency from other pet sites etc.
Buying and selling referrals for points or items from Royalpets or any other website, or for real money is NOT allowed.
Other Rules
You may not abuse any glitches on the site. If you notice any glitch or loophole that allows you to do something in a way that was not intended please report it to the staff. Do NOT attempt to ???test??? it first or continue to ???test??? it until it is fixed as that will be considered abusing the glitch.
No form of hacking, scamming or otherwise misusing the site is allowed. Anyone found to be doing so will have their account deleted immediately.
Rules about Rules
These rules are NOT subject to discussion, optional, or applying only to some members.
Additional rules may be added as it becomes necessary. Any major changes will be posted in the news.
Last Updated 29th August 2018